Mother carrying young baby in a stretchy wrap in Quartz, available at Text reads, "Babywearing safely is as easy as ABC!"

Quick Review - the ABCs of Babywearing Safety

Mother carrying young baby in a stretchy wrap in Quartz, available at Text reads, "Babywearing safely is as easy as ABC!"


A quick guide from the babywearing educators at Mama & Roo's about babywearing safety! Read more below the video =).



A is for Airway - make sure baby is supported with their chin up and off their chest. Try placing 2 fingers under their chin to check if the airway is open enough.


B is for Breathing - Baby should be "close enough to kiss" so that you can feel, hear, and see their breathing. When baby is positioned too low, it's harder to tell if baby is okay.


C is for Comfort - Although it does take time to build up muscles for carrying, remember that babywearing is a tool! Both you and baby should be comfortable. This means baby should be in an age-appropriate curve against your body (more of a C/fetal position for younger babies, gradually stretching as your child lengthens and gains strength), supported knee-to-knee for babies under 1, and supported at the neck/back as appropriate for their age and head control. As the caregiver, you should also be comfortable! Adjust placement of straps and bands to meet your body's needs, and don't forget to mix up carry styles when carrying frequently to avoid fatigue.


More questions? Contact the babywearing moms and educators at! We're happy to answer all your questions and find the perfect fit for you. Use the chat bubble on this page, or email us at [email protected].


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